WMJ Blog — wendymink
Garnet - January Birthstone!
birthstone garnet gemstones jewelry pearls semi-precious vintage wendymink

January Birthstone is Garnet! This beautiful stone, which is most commonly red but can be found in a range of other colors, symbolizes peace, prosperity and good health. Shop Wendy Mink Garnet Collection Antique Victorian Set, Circa 1880s We will be happy to receive a custom order from you! Every item we have made in our studio is unique as it is handcrafted.
Shop Small Business Saturday! Special message to our customers!
les popped nyc sale shop small shopping event small business saturday thanksgiving wendymink

Dear Friends and Loyal Customers,It’s time to get personal. We want to personally thank you for coming into our store and sharing your lives and your hard earned dollars. You are contributing directly to the livelihoods of dozens of artisans in the Lower East Side and across the globe, specifically in Nepal and India.Many of us have jumped on the minimalism train, and the purging can be cathartic. Instead of not buying at all, we urge you to buy less and cherish more. Focus on the special, the handcrafted, the rare. We believe in old-fashioned customer...
WMJ Fall 2016 Limited Edition Freshwater Pearl Jewelry
freshwater pearls jewelry pearl necklace pearls wendymink
We’ve been working very hard on our new freshwater pearl collection and are excited to finally be able to show you all the new jewels! There are many beautiful styles available now in our store. Different color variations, length & designs for all our pretty ladies out there! Do you prefer a long necklace or one that sits higher on the neck? We have them all! Grey Freshwater Pearl Tassel Necklace with Gold Filigree Pendant hand carved in Peru Two long Grey Freshwater Pearl Necklaces styled together. White Pearl Necklace with incredibly detailed Peruvian Filigree tassel pendant. One of the...
Next Upcoming Shopping Event: 04/22 Vintage Clothing & Jewelry Trunk Show
Event In-store Event jewelry nyc events sale shopping event vintage vintage jewelry wendymink Wildfell Hall Vintage
If you liked our last event, we are having an amazing one this time! Please join us on Friday, April 22nd for the opening party: jewelry, vintage clothing, nail art, astrology reading, plus a SURPRISE performance!
Special In-store Event: Vintage Jewelry & Clothing
Event In-store Event jewelry vintage vintage jewelry wendymink Wildfell Hall Vintage
We are excited to announce our next Vintage Jewelry & Clothing Event.Meet one of our favorite vintage clothing dealers Wildfell Hall Vintage, shop our newest jewelry collection, Victorian Jewelry, Valentine's Day Gifts and more. When: Saturday, Feb 6th 12 - 7pm, Sunday, Feb 7th 12-6pmWhere: 72 Orchard St, New York, NY 10002 For details please contact:wendyminkjewelry@gmail.com212-260-5298