WMJ Blog — small business saturday
Shop Small Business Saturday! Special message to our customers!
les popped nyc sale shop small shopping event small business saturday thanksgiving wendymink

Dear Friends and Loyal Customers,It’s time to get personal. We want to personally thank you for coming into our store and sharing your lives and your hard earned dollars. You are contributing directly to the livelihoods of dozens of artisans in the Lower East Side and across the globe, specifically in Nepal and India.Many of us have jumped on the minimalism train, and the purging can be cathartic. Instead of not buying at all, we urge you to buy less and cherish more. Focus on the special, the handcrafted, the rare. We believe in old-fashioned customer...
Small Business Saturday - Nov 28th
Event gifts Holiday jewelry sale small business saturday wendymink
Join us for Small Business Saturday this weekend! Take 15% off Wendy Mink Jewelry CollectionOnline & In StoreNov 28 - One Day Only!